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  On-Demand Full Series Registration and Price includes all 9 CCRM required modules and final exam.

Rewritten 2020 and updated 2025, the California Certified Residential Manager (CCRM) Property Management series of courses provide comprehensive training specific to the laws and regulations of California.  When you complete the CCRM certification program, you will have the skills necessary to efficiently and effectively manage rental property and an asset to any employer.  The CCRM series of courses has been approved by experts throughout the industry. When you complete the CCRM certification program, you will have the skills necessary to efficiently and effectively manage rental property and be an asset to any employer.

In addition to comprehensive property management training, the property management series instills best practices to run top-notch rental communities and teaches compliance with California’s unique laws and regulations.

* This is for all nine (9) California Certified Residential Manager (CCRM) Required Courses including the final exam.

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